Wednesday, February 02, 2005

We Interrupt Your Usual Surfing...

Today's Word Of The Day is: Apex Use it, safe in the knowledge neither you or the people you are addressing know what it means. I signed the book of condolences today that was left for people who wanted to express feelings of sorrow for the family of an aquaintance who had just died. I found it interesting, and yet somewhat depressing, and yet slightly comforting, that we still follow rituals and the motions of grievance. I did not know this man. Nor did many. But we go through the motions because it lends everyone a reassuring blanket of comfort, where we can let out a little sigh and nurture our frailties. Plus, its an excuse to wax philosophical in front of your friends. 'Life is but a passing dream'... what the hell was I thinking!? Here's to tomorrow! FinalSin


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