Comedy 1
Scene One. A classroom. Two boys sit at a table discussing matters.
Mike: Ok forget about the paper, I wanna write a play! Our name up in lights! Actors flocking to star with us. Tony Robinson doing a warmup act!
Nick: Woah woah woah woah! Calm down flower, all in good time...all in good time. (Looks thoughtfully off into the distance...does so for 10 seconds until Mike interrupts)
Mike: Nick, we're not actually in a tv programme at the moment. What are you waiting for, a fadeout?
Nick: (Softly) All in good time. (Walks off slowly, Mike shouts out)
Mike: Nick! Come on, we're starting now!
Nick: (Entering) "It was the best of times...It was the worst of times."
Mike: I said write a play.
Nick: Ok ok, i'm with you.
Mike: Good man, ok shoot.
Nick: Right. I see a man. Nay, a prince.
Mike: Good, very good. (Writes) Prince. I like it.
Nick: Prince of Denmark.
Mike: (Hesitant) Yeeees...
Nick: Hamlet will be his name, and...
Mike: Ok Nick, I'm gunna have to stop you there.
Nick: Huh? No? (Mike shakes head) Been done before? (Mike nods) Not Shakespeare again? (Mike nods again) Damn him!!!
Mike: There there mate, it was an easy mistake to make. Don't beat yourself up about it.
Nick: I wasn't.
Mike: Really? Not even a little bit? 'Cus that was a pretty stupid thing to say you know.
Nick: Listen, shut up a second. I've got another idea. (Looks off into the distance proudly) "When a routine artificial insemination goes horribly wrong...
Mike: Nick...
Nick: man is left to fill the hole.
Mike: (Puts up hand and looks to the side) Taxi for Mr Baker.
Scene ends.
With thanks to Mr. Nick Baker (no, not of Really Wild Show fame) for his unending creativity and hilariousness.