Same Angst, Different Year
A little over a year ago, I started this blog. It was a day much like this - dark and dreary. I was home off school with too much time on my hands. I had a desire to write, but no purpose. I had things to say, but no-one I really wanted to say them to.
You're here because you want to read these things. That's good enough for me.
Has it been a good year? I can't say. There have been good things and bad things. I've learnt a lot, had a lot of successes as well as failures. I like to think I'm back at Eff Seven for good, but I honestly don't know.
I'm writing an assembly right now. It's quite difficult to do something like that, because you can't make it too egoistical. At the end of the day, you're writing for other people. You're not writing so that you can give a message to them, you're writing so that they are entertained and informed for ten minutes.
But the problem is that this has to be a personal message to them, because it's The Last Post, the last call, the last chance I've got to say anything. Unlike this blog, I won't get to say these things again. If I don't offer my thoughts to them now, they'll never get them.
I think I'm going to say what I want to say. At the end of the day, it's what we all have to do, even if it means some people don't like it. It's not going to be funny, and it's not going to be rational.
But it'll be me.
Thanks for a year. If you just started reading, thanks for doing that. I'll be here if you are.